Saturday, September 7, 2013

Your baby Steeler onesie Came in today. Your daddy loved it.

Funny story is your daddy's favorite sports number growing up and had when he played was 21. The ironic thing was it was mine too. And neither one of us are from Pittsburgh and love the Steelers. We were meant to be together! ;-) 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dinner date for daddy and I.

24.5 weeks here, we went to Pinocchio's. one of my favorite places and they have a huge Gluten free menu. You kicked 17 times while I was eating Caprese salad, and then kicked the entire night while I ate. You were very active. I'm going to take that as your favorite will be Italian food too! ;-) love you. 

You are ready for Football season. Go Steelers!!

Your daddy and I are excited to see you wear your new Steeler gear!